Thursday, July 31, 2008

We took a little trip...

In early August we took a trip up to the Northeast. On Wednesday we flew from Atlanta to Rochester, NY. We picked up our rental car at the airport and set out for Toronto. The drive is approximately 170 miles with a stop for the border crossing. I found it humorous that Andrew wanted to switch the GPS to metric once we were in Canada. (Note from Andrew: The metric system is cooler!) Mark, Janet and Parks were in Toronto when we got there so we met up with them for a late dinner. They had already spent the day in the city so they left after dinner to head back south towards the US. We would see them a few days later at the reunion.

During our first night, there was a 2:30 am hotel fire drill but we didn't let that dampen our spirits. We woke up Thursday morning and rode the subway down to the ferry to Centre Island. There we rented bicycles and did some geocaching.
Here is a view of the Toronto skyline from the ferry.
Afterward we wondered over to the CN Tower but didn't feel like paying $20 cad to go up.
Instead we toured the Steamwhistle Brewery and were happy with our decision.
That afternoon we went over to the Kensington Market area to visit a cute little yarn store called Lettuce Knit. Then it was back to the hotel for a rest. For dinner we decided to to to the Historical Distillery District. We had a nice dinner at the Mill St. Brewery with some tasty food and good local brews.

Friday morning we left Toronto and made a stop at Niagara Falls on our way to Geneseo, New York for the Bickel Family Reunion. We spent some time taking in the beauty of the falls and snapping some pics. We thought about riding the Maid of the Mist or doing the tour behind the falls but decided to save the money and head out for the reunion.
Niagara Falls Panorama
Geneseo is a cute little college town (SUNY-Geneseo) about an hour south of Rochester. The weather there was great! Sunny and warm with little humidity. We spent most of the reunion weekend outside under a tent visiting, eating, playing Euchre and horseshoes, and even playing Wii with the younger folk. This was our first experience with rock band and it was a hoot! Here's the whole group.

While in Geneseo, we rented the world's smallest cabin in Letchworth State Park. How cute!
This park is beautiful with an amazing gorge and nice scenery. We were only in the cabin a few hours at night for sleeping so the size didn't really bother us. We spent the rest of our time in the park hiking, geocaching, and of course taking pictures.
All in all it was a great trip and I enjoyed getting to meet the extended Bickel family. We're looking forward to the 2010 reunion in New Mexico!

1 comment:

wenders said...

beautiful pictures! Canada is on my list of places to visit, soon!