Monday, May 19, 2008

Welcome to the BickelBlog!

Logan came up with the idea of starting a blog to chronicle the events in our life and let our family and friends read about it too. We brainstormed for a few days to come up with a theme, and eventually settled on our many many hobbies. For those that knew me before we got married, this should be self explanatory. There are so many things to enjoy in life, and I can never choose to focus on just one, or two, or three... Logan and I share many common interests and have added lots of new ones since we've been married. We'd love to hear your thoughts, so please leave comments. Welcome to the BickelBlog!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I will really love checking out your blog! You better watch out though, because I have started spinning classes at the "Y", and as soon as I can get thin enough for passers-by not to laugh at me on a bike, I am going to come and join you for a race! Go-go with the hobbies. . . . I love your zest for life! Love, Uncle Peg